Rivet Wars Wiki
General E. Romler's Armored Car
Faction Blight
Type Support
Cost 3
Rivets 1
Bounties 1
Sockets 0
Move 2
Armor 2
Health 2
Land Range 2
Air Range 1
Primary Weapon Attacks 2
Primary Weapon Type Standard
Primary Weapon Effectiveness 1/2/2/1/0
Secondary Weapon Attacks None
Secondary Weapon Type None
Secondary Weapon Effectiveness None
Special Abilities Immunity to Gas, Buff: Land Range +1


Often the fog of war blocks a generals view and the only way to get a bead on the enemy is to get down into the trenches.  For General Romler this means it's time to call out his armored field car.  Taking advantage of his vehicles speed and added protection the general can weave in and out of the skirmish while using his bi-ocular field glasses to effectively increase the range of his men and artillery.

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